Hey guys..
I just recently created a new playlist featuring what i think are the BEST songs on Newgrounds.
Please go check it out at http://www.newgrounds.com/playlists/view/e6f90bb e7f6017b271e39038f3f0139c
It has old songs, new songs, just songs that are awesome.
If you would like me to add a song just PM me about it!
Also, I am now doing a collab with DanaZs, with his song, "Dark Moon"
If you want to check out the original, go here: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/481374
sadly, my song with PoniiBoii isn't going to be released. I'm sad but glad to know that he wasn't holding back for no reason.
Otherwise, I just created a new song called "It Doesn't Have to be Luv" (I meant love, but the freakin character limit stopped me) ALSO go check out "Victory" which was the instrumental to the song i was going to do with Poniiboii, and lastly check out Dark Hipster.
Thanks, stay frosty